Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Sabbath Way of Life"

Scott Moore | From Reconstructin...

Greg spoke tonight about our call to the Sabbath. All of creation is designed to need rest - we see it in agriculture, exercise, everywhere. We simply need rest, as much as our society tries to deny it. Why? How do we actually have a Sabbath DAY? It's a challenge - do you trust God enough to give up your work for a day, knowing that you will have enough time to do it. Have you ever considered that if you are never able to complete what you feel you are suppoed to, then some of those things cannot be God's will for your life? God is not going to ask of you more than you have time for!! Can we look at time as a delight and blessing rather than the bane of our existence? Listen to Greg's sermon. Read Greg's sermon here.

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