Monday, February 26, 2007

God's Call IN Your Life | Stations

As we sometimes do, last night was an evening where we participated in stations, listening to God through a series of reflections and visual set-ups. They were all about God's Call IN Your Life. Read the stations handout here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

God's Call ON Your Life | Bill Hall

Bill gave us a message tonight talking about God's Call on our lives - the big, broad perspective. He used the story of Joseph, as well as a ton of other Scripture to reveal the gracious God who was working FOR us before we were even created. Yikes!
You can download Bill's sermon [right-click and select save target as... for Windows]. Or listen to it below:

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Called to Creation | Gene Tempelmeyer

This past Sunday at TILT, our focus was on "Called to Creation", as part of our continuing series on Reconstructing the Call. Unfortunately, Gene had prepared a message for us but was sick and couldn't make it. We had an eventful evening otherwise! However, Gene did preach a similar message earlier to the morning communiy. So, you can download Gene's sermon from then. Or listen to it below:

Monday, February 5, 2007

Called to Ministry | Monica Kay

In addition to a homegrown video (check out TILT Art), Monica spoke to us about our calling as ministers of the Gospel, no matter what we do. We are ALL ministers, ALL the time! Our competence in that ministry is not based on education, skills, or anything but our sufficiency rather comes from God. Download Monica's sermon. Or listen to it below: