Monday, April 30, 2007

Following is First Receiving | John 21:15ff.

Last night, Scott again spoke from John 21:15-25 as part of our continuing series resting in this one story of Peter's encounter with Jesus. In this encounter, Peter receives his calling from Jesus. Following Jesus is first receiving from Jesus. You can download the audio here or read the text here, or listen below:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Getting Beyond "What About Him?" | John 21:15ff.

Last night was our second week dwelling on the passage of John 21:15-25, where over breakfast, Jesus re-instates Peter and calls Peter to follow him. What is Peter's reaction? What about him (John)? As Greg said, it's like one kid getting to go on the swings and another not. "What about him?!" (Hence the swing picture.) Greg talked about the journey of following Jesus, of simply following Him and not being focused on what is happening in other communities and other peoples' lives. Download Greg's sermon here or listen to it below.

Photo by Valerie Robinson

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Friendship that Costs | John 21:15 ff.

Bill was the first to teach on our series focusing on John 21:15-25, which we will be looking at for four weeks with four different preachers. Unfortunately, the audio was lost so we don't have it in mp3 format. However, if you would like to take a look into Bill's mind, check out his sermon notes.

Bill challenged us that true friendship comes with a cost and in our society, we struggle to grasp this. We desire friendship at our convenience.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Celebration | Scriptures

Our Easter Celebration at TILT was centered upon worshipping God through song and hearing from God through the reading of His written Word. Too often we get in the way of simply listening to what God has to say, or we think that it will only have impact if we 'preach' about it. God's Word always reveals God, points to Him and glorifies Him. The Scriptures we read focused on Jesus' awareness of his death and resurrection, the narrative of the resurrection, the followers' response to his death on the road to Emmaus, the apostles' witness to the resurrection and our response to it. Read the Scriptures here.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Journey with Jesus | Palm Sunday Stations

On Sunday night, we made a pilgrimage of sorts through the last days of Jesus' life. We started with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, in which there is the juxtaposition of proclaiming Jesus as the King but also the impending doom of his death. We ended with his triumphal return in the resurrection, conquering the power of death once and for all. You can read the stations booklet here.